Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rescheduling classes

Classes will not be rescheduled under any circumstances (unless we cancel), we will have normal practice regardless, the only time we will not have practice is when there is lightning. Practices will not be "rolled over" or "credited" to another session because you have missed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boys and Girls Off-Season at Northwood

2012 Water Polo Off Season BOYS AND GIRLS

Coach: Ed Carrera

Dates: April 16-June 20

Practice Schedule: Monday-Wednesday 6:45pm-9pm (weights/pool)

Equipment needed: Workout clothes, socks, shoes, athletic wear (NO JEANS), suit, goggles

Cost: $300

Location: Northwood Aquatic Complex

Please Note: Must be USA WATER POLO MEMBER

Make checks payable to NORTHWOOD WATER POLO CLUB

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Equipment needed

All swimmers should have equipment before workout. The pictures are what we recommend but any brand will do.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012