Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meet awards Monday Oct 1

We will be passing out awards at practice Monday October 1st. Parents if you have an opportunity please see one of the coaches to get your swimmers award. If not we will hand them to the kids.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Woodbury Meet Results

What a great meet! Thank you for everyone that participated, especially the timers that made everything run so smoothly! Since this was our first off season meet, time improvements are not shown on our results. They will for the next meet which will be October 28 at Wooodbridge (details soon). Please email us if you have any questions at
Meet Results by Name
Meet Results by Event

Monday, September 24, 2012

Swim Meet Event Form

Please CLICK HERE for the swim meet events form. Each swimmer will be allowed 3 events. Please turn into the coaches by no later than wednesday September 26. We are also going to need parents to volunteer their time by timing and helping the little kids get to the blocks. Expect to volunteer if your child is swimming. Please email us with any other questions you may have at

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fall Dual Meet/ September 28

Woodbury Aquatics will have a dual meet vs Woodbridge on Friday September 28, 2012. We will not be doing relays, just the individual events. This is a great way to track your swimmers improvement and keep the competitive edge. Warm-up will begin at 3pm on Friday and we will begin the meet between 3:30pm and 3:45pm. The age groups are as followed: 5-6 Girls
5-6 Boys
7-8 Girls
7-8 Boys
9-10 Girls
9-10 Boys
11-12 Girls
11-12 Boys
13-14 Girls
13-14 Boys
15-18 Girls
15-18 Boys Butterfly, Backstroke, IM (for 9 and up), Breast, Free This is open to all of our members for free!!! We will need parents to help with timing, and running. Please let me know if you have any questions, email me at

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Changes in website

As most of you know, I have left Northwood High School Water Polo and have began coaching at Orange Lutheran High School. Instead of start a new blog I decided to change the NHS Blog that I have been operating for the last few years and make it my personal blog that will allow me to update info about any water polo, swimming, coaching or playing info that I may have. My calendar has the OLu Game Schedule as well as my private swim and water polo lesson openings I may have. Thank you, Ed Carrera