Sunday, February 14, 2010

Banquet Info from Mrs. Flath

Let's celebrate a great season!

BJ's in The Market Place
Sunday, February 21 from 4-6pm
We will be in the patio area.

$20 per person, our players are free.

We'll have pizza, salad, and everyone will get their own pizzookie!
Bring some cash for the 50/50 raffle:
1 ticket for $3
2 for $5
5 for $10

Please RSVP by this Thursday, 2/18 to
Dinner $$ can be given to either Allie or Nicole at school or you can drop it by our house at 1 Tiempo (gate code is 5315) by Thursday 2/18. Cash is fine or checks can be made out to Shelly Flath.

Thanks so much!

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